Fighting Disease

Fighting disease

What is disease and what does it mean? The word itself says it all "dis"ease". When someone has an disease they are not in their normal state of being. They have an discomfort or they are usually in a state of distress. Fighting disease has been a struggle for many years and even for modern day medicine. There are millions spent on research and development to develop new drugs to combat diseases such as diabetes,HIV,cancer,herpes and even the common cold. The list of diseases is a long one and much to long to mention,but the fact of the matter still remains that there is constant stream of money being spent on understanding and fighting diseases. If one would go about researching a problem to find a solution, why has there not been one person or a collection of people that have solved and succesfully cured one disease atleast. Throughout the years no one disease has fully been cured by modern day medicine. Not even one disease at a time to show that we are progressing in even understanding the problem. Someone with either diabetes,HIV,cancer,herpes would very much like to be cured or helped from their state of disease without overspending on costly medicines or procedures.

I want you first of all to through everything you know about fighting disease out of the window just for today. Secondly I want to congradulate you on finding this page you will not regret it, and that is my garantee to you. Let me get straight to the solving off this problem. The answer to fighting disease is even more simple than we all might be thinking.What this means is that we have to look at what the body mainly consists of, more than 60% water and minirals. I say minerals because if we look at our bones they are made up of calcium,the blood of iron and the brain is made of magnesium.And all the other organs off diferent minerls.

These are the basics in fighting any disease, that even the most common simple person can understand this. When disease is present that person is deficient of some of the esential minerals. Whith lukimea,cickle cell,anemia there is a defiency of iron in the blood. With osteoporosis defiencient of calcium. And the list goes on for all other disease. Cure your disease within a matter of months without expensive drugs I am not a doctor or physician or licensed to practice medicine. I have the simple solution that modern day medicine overlooks or does not want you to know or adresses. The answers is simple and I just want to help and share my knowledge with you that is seeking!!!!

Here are some recommend links to look at in finding the simple answser to fighting and curing disease.

Alkaline food - electric foods whole foods explained
Dr Debi

If you want to be fully cured of any disease get the following products to help you. I have use the recommended products personally and they work.

Look at reference material:


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